Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fujita and Graham heated up in Sengoku press conference.

In the Sengoku press conference on Mar 04, the comment by Peter Graham provoked Kazuyuki Fujita and they had a skirmish.

Graham said, I'm glad to fight in this event. I'm here to win like other fighters. I want to say something to Fujita. We almost fought in Dynamite before. I'm upset because he ran away from me. I'm excited to fight him in this event finally. It's time for him to end his MMA career tomorrow. It's time for old fighters like him leave. Are you scared of me? You are a chicken and you can run away.

Fujita was upset when he heard of the translation of his comment. Before the translator finished, he stood up and shouted "WAIT". Fujita said, this is my first time to fight someone disgusting like you. Both guys got closer and had a very intense mood. Just before they start throwing punches, other fighters like Yoshida separated them and prevended them from fighting. Fujita left the conference room with saying, I'm going to kill you. Graham said I'll defeat you by the same kick I defeated Badr Hari. You don't have to show up tomorrow if you don't want to.


miken said...

Glad Fujita showed him whats what. War Fujita!

Unknown said...

no kidding. see how respectful graham was AFTER he got trounced. fujita's comment cracked me up: "i've never fought someone disgusting like you." DISGUSTING.